Select account type "Job or school account"). (You must allow the app to access the camera on your phone. Use the Authenticator app to scan the QR code that appears.First, you need to download and install the Microsoft Authenticator app, from either Google Play or the AppStore. The setup of two-factor authentication is now starting.If you see the dialog box below, log in with your NTNU account. Select the account you want to prepare for two-factor authentication.Go to App Store (iPhone) or Google Play (Android) and install the Microsoft Authenticator app.Start by installing Microsoft Authenticator on your mobile phone. To complete the setup, you will need a computer and your mobile phone. NOTE: Are you an employee and have been told that two-factor authentication is being activated for your user? We recommend that you carry out this step-by-step setup before the activation day. Topic page about IT services | Pages labeled with two-factor Norsk versjon - Aktivere tofaktorautentisering i Microsoft 365 This guide shows you how to setup and prepare for two-factor authentication in Microsoft 365, step by step.